Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The programme also offers mobility and cooperation opportunities for adult education.
Together with the other CVOs of Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen, we are committed to sharing and expanding our expertise during these Erasmus+ mobilities.
Leen (Arabic) and Sara (Italian) followed a training on Flipped Learning in an online learning environment in Murcia (Spain).
Lieve and Kilian (NT2) are exploring the role that VR/AR could play in education in Pilzen (Czech Republic).
Laura (Italian) and Pieter (didactics & NT2) worked in Riga (Latvia) on Mooc's and Podcasts for education.
Cornelieke (Counselor & NT2) and Katrien (Counselor & French) worked around student counseling and care in Ohrid (Northern Macedonia).