Are you looking for an encouraging coach and some sparring partners to prepare for TOEFL or IELTS?

We offer an intensive course consisting of a mix of online Zoom practice sessions, personal feedback and guided individual study.

While you are expanding and practising your English, we familiarize you with the format of the task types of both exams, time management and general test-taking skills.

The course has been mapped to the Common European framework of Reference for language (CEFR) level B2 and C1.


I learned a lot of English grammar, style and suggestions to improve my language skills and pass exams.

It was the perfect preparation for the test and a very pleasant course at well!

The course helped me a lot to keep improving my English as well as my confidence when I have to express myself in my second language.


  • 100% online
  • Wednesday 18:00-21:30
  • From 26 February 2025 till 14 May 2025

The lessons consist of a mix of

  • interactive online classroom learning via Zoom
  • online activities in breakout rooms in pairs or small groups
  • online individual coaching
  • independent work

Is e-learning right for you?

Course fee

€110 (learning platform and digital course materials included)

Target group

Anyone preparing to take an IELTS or TOEFL test at B2 (or C1) level.

If enough students are interested in enrolling for the TOEFL test, a discount will be available. More information about this option will be provided by your teacher during the first class.

Conditions of entry

B1 certificate (Flemish Centre of Adult education, IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge First Certificate) or a level 7/8 Vantage score in the CLT placement test.

The above mentioned certificates and the online placement test may be supplemented with an (online or face-to-face)  interview.

Level test

24/7 online


  • from 10 December 2024
  • Did you get the required level on the test? Then register online via the link you get after the test or make an appointment to register on campus.
  • Should you feel the placement test has not assessed your level correctly, please contact for an interview.

Course content

info flyer


Depending on your level at the end of the course partial or full B2 certificate recognized by the Flemish Ministry of Education.

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