Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The programme also offers mobility and cooperation opportunities for adult education.

Together with the other CVOs of Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen, we are committed to sharing and expanding our expertise during these Erasmus+ mobilities.

Jasmien, counselor and teacher of NT2, sought inspiration from our Danish colleagues. She visited the Vestegnens Sprog- og KompetenceCenter in Glostrup (Denmark) with a group of five enthusiastic program counselors. On the programme: explanation about the Danish system, meetings with teachers and students of Danish for non-native speakers, a visit to an inspiring open learning center and much more. Result: a heart full of love and a head full of new ideas!


Counselor and NT2 teacher Cornelieke was introduced to the context in which a Spanish CVO works and guides students in Murcia (Spain). She got an idea of ​​how migrants learn Spanish and the work of the Agency for Integration and Civic Integration is taken over by NGOs. The participants received a portion of culture and were also spoiled with culinary delights.


Teachers Pili (SP) and Soetkin (NT2/FR) went to Besançon (FR). They followed a training on the Synchronous Online Flipped Learning approach (SOFLA). They were introduced to the core elements of the flipped classroom approach and learned how to apply them in an online setting.

With 13 other colleagues from CVOs of Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen, our colleagues Marleen Vanderheiden (assistat principal of didactics/ENG) and Susana Pascual Safont (SP) followed a course 'Social and emotional Learning' led by Michalis Schinoplokakis at #impacthubAthens. Inspiration for more-than-language courses!


Our colleague Katrien Delanghe (assistant principal of ICT and communications) can work even more actively with the European Sustainability goals in the future.
Together with the communications managers of the adult education centers of Catholic Education Flanders, she took part in a specialized training in Warsaw. During the training, they delved into developing communication and promotional strategies that are in line with the policies of the Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


Colleagues Pieter (NT2) and Leen (Arabic) followed a course Mindfulness in Education in Lorca (Spain).
